Top 3 NLP Techniques to Help You Make Better Decisions in Life

Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) is a powerful approach to communication and personal development that can enable you to have greater control over your emotional state. NLP training can help you become confident in your conscious decision making.

Positive changes trigger positive outcomes. NLP tools can help rewire your mind to behave and change specific negative triggers into positive ones. It helps you to control your emotions and make informed decisions.

NLP is designed to positively affect the connection between neurological processes, language, and behavioral patterns learned through experiences. In doing so, NLP can be used to alter these connections to help you achieve specific goals and enhance your decision making power.

Neuro-linguistic Programming

In NLP training, you will learn techniques that will allow you to have real power over your mind, emotions, and actions, helping you make more informed decisions. It enables you to be at your best more often by effectively managing your feelings and thoughts.

Here are the top 3 NLP techniques which can help you make better decisions in life.


In NLP, this technique refers to the process of associating an internal response with some external or internal trigger so that the response may be re-accessed.

The purpose of anchoring is to associate a positive memory with a deliberate gesture. You develop good and bad anchors automatically throughout your life. NLP training enables you to identify and keep your good anchors and also identify and remove the unwanted anchors by replacing them with more desirable ones.

For instance, a memory where you felt powerful can be empowering and a valuable resource. With anchoring, you can use this memory and store it through your senses: either Visually, Auditory or Gustatory. By making this association, your brain will be able to make the connection between positive emotional responses simply through your actions.

In turn, you can activate this anchor any time you are feeling low or stressed. In doing so, you will feel relaxed and be able to make better decisions.


Reframing is all about perspective, and it allows you to see the opportunities in hardship. This NLP technique can boost your happiness and decision-making ability.

For instance, when a relationship ends, one feels heartbroken. Let’s reframe it.

You need to think about the possible benefits of being single. You have the freedom to do what you want, on your own schedule. You are now available to meet new people or are open to other potential relationships. Furthermore, you had a valuable experience, which will allow you to have an increasingly fulfilling future relationship.

In such situations, it is natural to panic, but this just leads to more problems. In contrast, shifting your focus in the way described above can help you clear your head and make responsible, even-handed decisions.

Covert Hypnosis

While much of the work of NLP is dedicated to helping people eliminate limiting beliefs, negative thoughts, conflicts, and more, another part of NLP is dedicated to how to influence and persuade others ethically.

Covert Hypnosis is a potent tool that can be used to not only influence and persuade others but also to help other people overcome fears, limiting beliefs, and more, without their conscious awareness.

There are several other techniques that you can learn during NLP training, which can help you make better decisions in life. Want to learn about more NLP techniques? Get in touch with us.

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